New Zayed | Palmier
New Zayed | Palmier
New Zayed | Palmier
ZAYARD Avenue is located in Hood 4, New Zayed. The developer of ZAYARD Avenue is Palmier.
The completion date for ZAYARD Avenue is 2024 Q1 and the finishing for the properties are Fully Finished.
The starting price of properties in ZAYARD Avenue is Ask for priceThe downpayment for a property in ZAYARD Avenue is starting at Ask for price. The number of installments for a property in ZAYARD Avenue is 32 installments and has a payment plan of 8 years. The monthly payment of a property in ZAYARD Avenue Ask for price
ZAYARD is located in Boulevard, New Zayed. The developer of ZAYARD is Palmier.
The completion date for ZAYARD is 2022 Q4 and the finishing for the properties are Fully Finished.
The starting price of properties in ZAYARD is Ask for priceThe downpayment for a property in ZAYARD is starting at Ask for price. The number of installments for a property in ZAYARD is 28 installments and has a payment plan of 7 years. The monthly payment of a property in ZAYARD Ask for price
ZAYARD Elite is located in Hood 2, New Zayed. The developer of ZAYARD Elite is Palmier.
The completion date for ZAYARD Elite is 2025 Q4 and the finishing for the properties are Fully Finished.
The starting price of properties in ZAYARD Elite is Ask for priceThe downpayment for a property in ZAYARD Elite is starting at Ask for price. The number of installments for a property in ZAYARD Elite is 36 installments and has a payment plan of 9 years. The monthly payment of a property in ZAYARD Elite Ask for price