Property or Location in Egypt

How many units available in Vigor Mall New Capital ?

The units available for Vigor Mall :
For Sale

Area Range

18 Sqm to 41 Sqm

Unit types

Office Space | Shop

Project Type

Retail | Administrative

Down Payment
Pay Over
5 Years
2025 Q3

Vigor Mall Office Space

Size Type Beds Finishing Area District Project
30.00 Office Space Fully Finished New Capital Downtown Vigor Mall

Vigor Mall Shop

Size Type Beds Finishing Area District Project
17.50 Shop Core & Shell New Capital Downtown Vigor Mall
41.00 Shop Core & Shell New Capital Downtown Vigor Mall

About Vigor Mall,

Vigor Mall is located in , . The developer of Vigor Mall is . The property types in Vigor Mall Office Space, Shop with a property size from 17.5 - 41 Sqm.

The completion date for Vigor Mall is Jul 2025 and the finishing for the properties are Fully Finished, Core and Shell.

Vigor Mall, prices

The starting price of properties in Vigor Mall is Ask for price with a price per sqm of Ask for price . The downpayment for a property in Vigor Mall is starting at Ask for price or Ask for price . The number of installments for a property in Vigor Mall is 20 installments and has a payment plan of 5 years. The monthly payment of a property in Vigor Mall is starting at Ask for price

Discovering Vigor Mall New Capital : Facilities, Amenities and More

Vigor Mall is a dynamic and contemporary shopping and entertainment hub located in the heart of the New Capital, Egypt's rapidly evolving urban center known for its modern infrastructure and futuristic architecture. Designed to cater to the diverse needs of residents and visitors, Vigor Mall aims to create a vibrant and inclusive space that brings together retail, dining, and leisure experiences under one roof. Location: - Vigor Mall enjoys a strategic location within the New Capital, making it easily accessible from various parts of the city and neighboring areas. - Situated in a bustling commercial district, the mall is surrounded by premium residential communities, corporate offices, and government institutions, creating a thriving and dynamic environment. Amenities and Facilities: Vigor Mall offers a wide range of amenities and facilities to enhance the overall shopping and leisure experience for visitors: - Retail Paradise - Culinary Delights - Entertainment Extravaganza - Wellness and Fitness - Ample Parking Project Size and Types: - Vigor Mall boasts an impressive size, featuring a contemporary and sleek architectural design that complements the modern aesthetics of the New Capital. - The mall's interior layout is thoughtfully designed to accommodate various retail and leisure zones, providing an inviting and enjoyable atmosphere. Available Retail Spaces: Vigor Mall offers a wide range of retail spaces for businesses looking to establish their presence in the New Capital: - Retail Stores: Spacious and well-designed retail spaces for fashion boutiques, lifestyle stores, and specialty outlets, catering to diverse consumer demands. - Food Outlets: Modern and inviting spaces for restaurants, cafes, and fast-food chains, presenting a perfect opportunity for culinary entrepreneurs. - Entertainment Zones: Purpose-built spaces for entertainment providers, such as cinemas, gaming arcades, and amusement centers, drawing in crowds of all ages. Why Invest in Vigor Mall in New Capital: - Strategic Location: The New Capital is a rapidly growing city with a promising future, making Vigor Mall an attractive investment option in a high-potential area. - Diverse Customer Base: Vigor Mall's diverse mix of retail, dining, and entertainment options attracts a wide range of visitors, ensuring a steady flow of foot traffic. - Capital Growth Potential: Investing in a commercial property like Vigor Mall offers the potential for capital appreciation as the New Capital continues to develop and expand. Distances to Important Landmarks: - Cairo International Airport: approximately 50 km from the airport - Pyramids of Giza: approximately 45 km - Al Masa Capital Park - approximately 10 km away. - Major Malls: The mall is located in the Downtown area, which is expected to have several major malls in the future. Currently, the closest major mall is the Mall of Arabia which is approximately 20 km away. - City Center: The Vigor Mall is located in the heart of New Capital's Downtown area which is expected to become the city's primary business and commercial center. Vigor Mall in the New Capital represents a modern and lively shopping destination which caters to the diverse needs of residents and visitors alike. Its strategic location, contemporary design and vibrant mix of amenities make it an enticing investment opportunity for businesses aiming to tap into the potential of the New Capital's flourishing market. As the city continues to evolve, Vigor Mall stands as a symbol of growth and prosperity, offering investors a chance to be part of Egypt's progressive retail landscape.

Your Ultimate Guide to New Capital: The Best Real Estate Market in Egypt

New Capital City, an emerging urban masterpiece offers a blend of modern living, strategic location, and lucrative investment prospects. 
The New Capital City isn't just a development; it's a visionary concept shaping Egypt's future. As a prime investment hub, it offers a diverse array of residential and commercial properties, each catering to unique preferences and investment goals. 
Here's what the market holds:
- Property Variety: From luxurious apartments and villas to vibrant commercial spaces, the New Capital City's real estate market boasts a wide range of options.
- State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: The city's infrastructure is designed to accommodate modern living, with smart technologies, green spaces, and efficient transportation networks.
- Developer Diversity: Renowned developers like Ora Developers, Mountain View, and Tatweer Misr have contributed to the city's landscape, ensuring high-quality projects.
- Property Prices: While property prices can vary based on location and amenities, the New Capital City's growth potential promises promising returns on investment.
Community and Landmarks: An Oasis of Opportunities
The New Capital City isn't just about buildings; it's about fostering a vibrant community. Here's what residents can expect to experience within this new urban oasis:
- Cultural Venues: The city is set to host theaters, art galleries, and museums, cultivating a rich cultural scene for residents to explore.
- Green Living: With expansive parks, gardens, and recreational spaces, the New Capital City promotes an eco-friendly and healthy lifestyle.
- Educational Hubs: Internationally acclaimed universities and research centers offer access to top-tier education and knowledge sharing.
- Healthcare Excellence: Cutting-edge medical facilities and hospitals ensure residents have access to quality healthcare services.
- Business Opportunities: The city's modern business districts attract enterprises, contributing to economic growth and job creation.
Attractions and Landmarks: Life in the New Capital City
The New Capital City offers a dynamic and enriched lifestyle, with numerous attractions that make it an appealing destination for residents:
- Central Park: A sprawling park at the heart of the city, offering tranquility and leisure opportunities amidst the urban landscape.
- Government District: Hosting government offices and ministries, the city's administrative core promotes efficiency and accessibility.
- Grand Mosque: A masterpiece of Islamic architecture, the Grand Mosque serves as a spiritual and architectural landmark.
- Opera House: An upcoming opera house will be a cultural gem, hosting performances and events that enrich residents' lives.
- Sports Complexes: State-of-the-art sports facilities cater to athletic enthusiasts and promote a healthy lifestyle.
Investment Potential: Why Invest in the New Capital City
For investors, the New Capital City presents an array of compelling reasons to consider it a prime destination for investment:
- Strategic Location: Its central location, proximity to major landmarks, and efficient transportation networks enhance its investment appeal.
- Government Backing: As a government-led project, the New Capital City benefits from strong support and a stable investment environment.
- Rapid Appreciation: The city's anticipated growth ensures potential for substantial property value appreciation over time.
- Diverse Portfolio: Investors can choose from a diverse portfolio of properties to align with their investment goals.
- Rental Income Potential: The city's allure to residents, expatriates, and students promises a steady stream of rental income for property investors.
The New Capital City is more than a development—it's an investment oasis brimming with potential. With a burgeoning real estate market, vibrant community, captivating landmarks, and attractive investment incentives, it's poised to reshape Egypt's real estate landscape. Whether you're a first-time investor or an experienced player, seizing this opportunity could mark a pivotal moment in your investment journey. Embrace the future of real estate—embrace the New Capital City.


El Baron Developments Lifestyle: An Insider's Guide to Egypt's Real Estate Developer

In the dynamic world of Egyptian real estate, El Baron Developments has emerged as a shining star, offering a compelling portfolio of real estate projects and cementing its reputation as a reliable and innovative developer. 
History and Background:
El Baron Developments was founded in 1980 by Eng. Hazem Zarif, El Baron Development is the result of continued success for more than 40 years until now. Over the years, it has earned a stellar reputation for delivering high-quality properties and creating vibrant communities. The company's commitment to excellence, integrity, and innovation has been the cornerstone of its success.
Reputation in the Egyptian Market:
El Baron Developments has gained widespread recognition for its unwavering commitment to quality, transparency, and customer satisfaction. Its track record of delivering projects on time and within budget has earned the trust of both investors and homeowners. The company's dedication to sustainability and community development has also contributed to its esteemed reputation in the Egyptian real estate sector.
Over the years, El Baron Developments has achieved several milestones that underline its significance in the industry:
- Award-Winning Projects: Many of El Baron's projects have received prestigious awards for their architectural design, sustainability, and innovation, further cementing the company's reputation.
- Community Building: El Baron is not just a developer; it's a community builder. The company's projects are designed to foster a sense of belonging and community engagement among residents.
- Economic Impact: El Baron Developments has made substantial contributions to the Egyptian economy by creating job opportunities and attracting local and international investments.
Why Invest in El Baron Developments:
Investing in El Baron Developments is a strategic decision for several reasons:
- Proven Track Record: El Baron has a history of delivering successful projects, which provides investors with confidence in their investments.
- Location Advantage: The company strategically selects prime locations for its developments, ensuring that your investment is in a rapidly appreciating area.
- Quality Assurance: El Baron's commitment to quality ensures that your investment is in a property that not only retains its value but also appreciates over time.
- Sustainable Development: El Baron Developments places a strong emphasis on sustainability, ensuring that your investment aligns with environmentally conscious principles.
- Community Living: Investing in El Baron means becoming part of a community, which can enhance the value and appeal of your property.
El Baron Developments is more than just a real estate developer; it's a beacon of innovation, quality, and community development in Egypt. Its commitment to excellence, sustainable practices, and a proven track record make it a compelling choice for investors looking to secure their financial future while enjoying a superior lifestyle. With a portfolio of remarkable projects and a reputation built on trust, El Baron Developments stands as a symbol of excellence in the Egyptian real estate market.


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