Quatro is located in Maadi Cairo
The developer of Quatro Maadi is Al Sedek Real Estate
The property types for Quatro Maadi
The property size in Quatro Maadi 65 - 190 Sqm
The completion date for Quatro Maadi is Oct 2024
The units available for Quatro Maadi :
Ask an expert
The finishing type of Quatro Maadi is Semi Finished
The price per sqm of Quatro Maadi is Ask for price
The Quatro Maadi is located in district Al-Mearag
The Quatro is located in area Maadi
The license of Quatro Maadi is Residential
Size | Type | Beds | Finishing | Area | District | Project |
65.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
66.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
110.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
87.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
130.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
128.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
123.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
140.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
143.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
145.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
146.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
152.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
155.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
161.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
162.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
165.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
190.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro | |
180.00 | Apartment | Semi-Finished | Maadi | Al-Mearag | Quatro |
Quatro is located in , . The developer of Quatro is . The property types in Quatro Apartment, Penthouse with a property size from 65 - 190 Sqm.
The completion date for Quatro is Oct 2024 and the finishing for the properties are Semi Finished.
The starting price of properties in Quatro is Ask for price with a price per sqm of Ask for price . The downpayment for a property in Quatro is starting at Ask for price or Ask for price . The number of installments for a property in Quatro is 8 installments and has a payment plan of 2 years. The monthly payment of a property in Quatro is starting at Ask for price